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Переговори між Азербайджаном і Вірменією відбудуться в Казахстані

ukrinform.ua 2 May. 10:48 Category:Світ

Переговори між міністерствами закордонних справ Азербайджану та Вірменії щодо підготовки мирної угоди між двома країнами відбудуться в Алмати.

Негода у Бразилії спричинила загибель десятьох людей

ukrinform.ua 2 May. 10:37 Category:Світ

Кількість загиблих унаслідок смертоносних штормів, що охопили південь Бразилії з понеділка, у середу зросла до 10 осіб, ще 21 людина вважається зниклою безвісти. Раніше повідомлялося про вісьмох загиблих.

Є проблеми: чому Меган Маркл не приєднається до принца Гаррі в його подорожі до Великої Британії

fakty.ua 2 May. 10:21 Category:Світ

Гаррі та Меган не можуть вирішити проблему власної безпеки на свій розсуд, вважає редакторка The Telegraph Ханна Фернесс

12 тис. людей евакуюють через виверження небезпечного вулкана

gazeta.ua 2 May. 10:00 Category:Світ

В Індонезії триває виверження вулкана Руанг. Жителів попереджають про цунамі, яке може утворитися через обвалення вулканічного матеріалу в океан. Евакуюють тисячі людей, повідомляє Reuters. "Наразі з вулкана Руанг вивергається сірий дим. Центр вулканології та пом'якшення геологічних небезпек підвищив статус тривоги до найвищого. Місцевий аеропорт закрито. Тим часом авіакомпанія AirAsia повідомила, що виверження торкнулося рейсів на малайзійський острів Борнео", - сказано в повідомленні. ЧИТАЙТЕ

In June of the United States, the police shot a student who came to school with guns

ukrinform.ua 2 May. 09:58 Category:Світ

The American state of Wisconsin, on May 1, the police shot a student who tried to get into a training facility with guns

Georgia test: The eight people cooped up after a bunch of cheeses

gazeta.ua 2 May. 09:29 Category:Світ

In Georgia, the protests in Thbilisi were in the night against the 2nd May after a bunch of juggling eight people. People reprotesting the law of "foreign agents," reported the Ministry of Health in Georgia. The blobs were diluted by protesters, using tear gas and plumbing, writing "Echo Caucasus." "The victim's suffered various injuries: wound in the field of face, head, limbs; intoxication; Tough breathing. One of the victims has already written

Press on Putin: what Ukraine wait for from the BBC to Europe

telegraf.com.ua 2 May. 09:00 Category:Світ

The purpose of a visit by CNN to France, Serbia and Hungary

In effect, over 35 people died on high-speed highways

gazeta.ua 2 May. 08:55 Category:Світ

high-speed automotive accident in China occurred. 36 people died, 30 more injured in the hospital, telling Xinha. "As a result of a flood of rapid automotive areas in Guangdong province in South China, there were still 17 bodies found in the silver lifeboats. On the morning of the fourth, their numbers went up to 36, "said the message. Now, here we go. A big car accident in downtown Los Angeles -- over half a hundred injured in a steady treatment continued to be 30 people whose

Paste China to get the Earth samples of rock from the back of the Moon

ukrinform.ua 2 May. 08:37 Category:Світ

China's National Space Control (CNSA) is scheduled on Friday, 3rd of May, to launch into space on the Moon's Moon probe e-6

(Laughter) The number of victims went up to 36

ukrinform.ua 2 May. 07:13 Category:Світ

In the South China, the number of dead people were raised to 36 people, 30 other people in the hospital

The scale fields killed more than 180 people

gazeta.ua 2 May. 07:03 Category:Світ

The advent in Kenya caused deadly floods and soil shifts. It was a mistake to take 181 people's lives, tell Reuters. "In the city of Mai Mahiu, where at least 48 people died because of the flood of 29 April, on a Wednesday with two bodies removed. "The Red Cross of Kenya Felix Mayo was reported to look for the dead. In the early days, the adviser of Isaac Mwaura said that the total number of dead people in the country had risen to 179 people. LIFE

The Treaty of Armenia agreed with NATO on 2024

ukrinform.ua 2 May. 06:56 Category:Світ

The Treaty of Armenia and NATO agreed the 2024 cooperation program, and the prospect of interaction in 2025

The Russians, again, complain about the explosions

gazeta.ua 2 May. 06:32 Category:Світ

In Russia, on the night of the Red East, there were explosions in the region of Athens, where the oil refinery was located. The reason is because the drone attack occurred, it tells the Russian Telegram-Channel Shot. "You've heard three explosions and the characteristic sound of motors, possibly the drones in the sky," said the message. The drones kind of flew to the oil plant, but were knocked off by the PO on the floor and fell a few miles away. First explosion over the population pp

South Korea has been scanning the last COVID limit

ukrinform.ua 2 May. 06:10 Category:Світ

The President of South Korea was scanning the last quarantine restrictions in the country for over four years after confirming the first case of COVID-19 disease

The Feminists in Saudi Arabia have condemned 11 years to serve social media

ukrinform.ua 2 May. 05:46 Category:Світ

In addition to the counter terrorist court of Saudi Arabia, he was convicted by the Manal-Austba feminist until 11 years of imprisonment for social media services in which she spoke to support women's rights

Spacker Johnson is hoping to win Trump and have big plans about Congress

ukrinform.ua 2 May. 05:14 Category:Світ

Deputy Sputnik, Mike Johnson, would like to remain at the head of the Republican Party in Congress of the next meeting, despite the violent contraction of conservators who do not exclude it for a long time

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